We feed high quality hay and will feed pre-bagged owner supplied supplements at no extra charge. Over the years we have seen the benefits of simplicity in a feed program, combined with the use of slow feed hay nets to encourage a more natural eating experience.
Barn and shed row horses are fed hay three times daily: orchard grass morning and night and alfalfa/grass mix mid-day; however, dietary needs can be accommodated upon request.
All horses are provided a natural Himalayan salt lick.
Field horses are fed twice daily a quality meadow grass spring through fall and are transitioned to alfalfa/grass during the winter months to help support weight maintenance. Horses are provided free access to non-trace mineral salt blocks.
We have a regularly scheduled farrier available to clients, but clients are welcome to continue with their own farrier.
Stalls are cleaned daily and manure is recycled as footing and compost. Noble Ranch strives for a clean environment, one in which we and our clients can be proud of. Owner are responsible for cleaning up after their horses in all areas outside of their stall/paddocks.
Great Basin Equine, the areas only equine surgical clinic provides exceptional care to Noble Ranch’s horses. Located within 15 minutes and available on call 24 hours a day they keep our horses healthy!
In addition, we schedule spring and fall health maintenance clinics, as well as periodic chiropractic and other alternative treatment therapies.
We have an aggressive program using a variety of approaches for maximum results. Regular manure removal; use of Fly Predators; fans; and fly spray misters all contribute to a successful program!